At this point, we know that antidepressant use is skyrocketing, there are negative health effects of antidepressant use on fetal development, and we understand some of the mechanisms for how this might happen. But how should we move forward from a scientific and medical standpoint? Science! From a scientific standpoint, future directions are straight-forward: let’s gather more relevant data! A clear gap in the …
Pregnant and (anti)depressed – Part 1
When it comes to pregnancy, everyone is a vocal and nosy expert. “My word! You can’t have WINE when you’re expecting!” “Are you sure you should be eating that? It’s bad for the baby!” “Oh, let me rub your beautiful baby bump. Yes, isn’t that nice?” Thus, I’m reluctant to enter the already tense conversation about what expectant mothers should do with …
When humans are treated worse than animals
Main photo from I posted previously on how animals used for research are treated differently than those that are eaten. Since then, I have been reading about the criminal justice system in the United States (check out books here and here). I was struck by how much our prisons use solitary confinement. Humans are social creatures, and social research animals are guaranteed the right to interact …