Pregnant and (anti)depressed – Part 3: Potential Solutions?

by Kevin Boehnke

At this point, we know that antidepressant use is skyrocketing, there are negative health effects of antidepressant use on fetal development, and we understand some of the mechanisms for how this might happen. But how should we move forward from a scientific and medical standpoint? Science! From a scientific standpoint, future directions are straight-forward: let’s gather more relevant data! A clear gap in the …

A Healthy Diet: How do we Know?

by Alex Taylor

The question of what’s for dinner is not as simple as it used to be. We are told to avoid sugars, gluten, and saturated fats, and to increase our intake of resveratrol, vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids. We’re sold the Atkins diet, the Paleo diet, the Mediterranean diet, Jenny Craig, DASH, Weight Watchers, and on and on. There are so many programs …